A couple of weeks ago we asked our followers on social media for nominations for our 2023 Charity of the Year, and you resoundingly nominated Be More Ben as our 2023 Charity of the Year.
Choosing to support Be More Ben couldn’t have been easier given how much they do for the local community and those in need.
Will you join with us and choose to support Be More Ben this year too and help raise much-needed funds for this worthwhile charity?
“Be More Ben offers bereaved parents ongoing services such as counselling, EMDR and other therapies. Additionally, they run a programme of friendly and informal, peer-led activities offering parents, siblings and families affected by the death of a child (under 18) the chance to meet with others who understand what it is like when their child dies. They also arrange care boxes for newly bereaved parents.”
“The charity was established in 2018 by Ben’s parents, Sarah and Shane. They said “When Ben died, we found there was very little support for bereaved parents, less for siblings and nothing for other family members. What support we did have stopped soon after his death meaning we felt very lonely and isolated in our grief. We set up Be More Ben to bridge this gap so no one has to face losing a child alone.””
To find out more about Be More Ben, please visit their website http://bemoreben.org/